~Motortoon 2 GP (PSX) Review, obtained off the internet. Okay...I know all of you are just dying to find out what Motortoon 2 is like, so I'll write a short review here (mind you, I haven't gotten all the "goodies" yet, so there IS more that I don't know about) * PACKAGING * Comes is a nice two-cd jewel case. (2 cd's, you're wondering? One is for the actual gameplay, and the other is for link-up! No having to buy a second copy to play head-to-head.) Instructions look highly detailed with lots of info, but I can't read Japanese, so I wouldn't know. * FIRST IMPRESSIONS * Okay, so I did the little double swap, and the game started up. First thing I saw was the opening of a FMV sequence. It shows short clips of each character, what they're doing, etc. Very well done, IMHO. I think it's one of the best I've seen in a while (besides Tekken 2, of course). Anyhow, after that was done, it popped up with the same opening music for Motortoon GP1 (gotta love that tune). The first thing I noticed were the additional menu options. Wow. There was Single Race, Free Run, Time Attack, Championship Race, and Replay Theater. More in depth on these, later. Anyhow, I ran single race, and as I went into the beautifully designed world, I noticed the controls were CONSIDERABLY different! No more drift, and thankfully, no more going out of control! Instead, you control more realistically..which I think is very cool. There is also an items system now..you get coins throughout the track, then you get an item from each coin (rockets, bombs, etc)..very fun. You'll also notice that the game is a lot harder now...which is good. * GRAPHICS * 9/10 Awesome! A lot of improvement over the first game! The worlds are *so* much more detailed now. Every little detail is there...plus, there's 5 worlds (plus racing them backwards). The animation is much more fluid...and even though some may not care, the FMV is -SUPERB-. I love it...it's one of those FMV's that you wanna show to your friend's. The only reason I do not give it a 10 is because it suffers the same problem as in MTGP1...when you come real close to a wall, you'll see INSIDE of it...its weird, but nothing distracting..it's very minor. * SOUND/MUSIC * 10/10 The sound effects are very good..everything is done accordingly... not much else to say there...the music is AWESOME. A lot of it is remixed/original versions of MTGP1 music, but gosh darnit, that music was great...especially Gulliver House 2. * CONTROL * 9/10 If I were grading MTGP1 here, the control would be 3..maybe 2. The reason for this is that in MTGP1, if you crashed into a wall, you could consider the race over..you lost. Thats not the scenario in this. Crashing into a wall is common...you crash, you slow down..you don't bounce across the screen. The control is VERY hard to get used to though. Well, it may not be if you've never experienced MTGP1 before, but if you're like me, you'll find it frustrating the first few times through..but then you'll smile and say "Ah, that's better" ...but have fun trying to go back and play MTGP1 again :). I think it would be a lot easier using an analog stick, but it works fine with standard PSX controllers. * GAMEPLAY * 10/10 Ah...this is where the game REALLY shines. You've got options gallore here..enough to keep you busy for a very long time. As I mentioned before, theres an item system...if you get a rocket, you can shoot it at an opponent, causing him to jump in the air and go haywire...get a stopwatch, and the time stops for a bit..get a star, you've got shields...it's very well done, and adds a lot to the game. The championship mode is a really a blast in this game. It's a bit like Wipeout..in the sense that you race all 8 characters and if someone gets in first place, they get 10 points, 2nd they get less, and so on..and after each race, it's all added up so you can see who is currently winning the GP. If you get first place in the Grand Prix, you get a "goodie". For instance, if you beat easy level, you get extra characters...beat normal, you get more tracks, and beat hard, you get a mini-game called "Tank Combat"...this game isn't that much 1 player, but 2 player looks like it'd be a blast...I'm really looking forward to playing that 2 player...anyhow, I've never beaten Professional or Expert levels, so I'm looking forward to seeing what else is next. Oh yes, I should also add that split-screen racing is now GONE. This made me cry. :) I, like most people, do not have 2 playstations...and my friends don't have one...so linking is not an easy thing to do...I'm sure the reason split-screen is gone is because of the highly detailed worlds..but I can't wait to race via linkup (if i ever do). So basically, all I've been saying here is: IT'S FUN AS HELL!! * OVERALL * 10/10 This game really does deserve a 10/10. It's the most fun I've had on my PSX to date. This game was definately worth the $74 I paid for it. ..I should also add one other thing before I go...in case anyone gets offended easily, there's a scene in the intro with a nude (backside) Princess Jean, taking a shower. It's nothing graphic, and it lasts a second...just thought I should mention it.